Our consultants can help you develop the processes and practices to monitor and measure outcomes. Outcomes can be defined in terms of your program results, organizational and financial health and staff engagement and turnover.

Consulting Topics Include

Our consultants will help your organization identify key success factors and develop appropriate measures to evaluate your programs. Some of our affiliates can also help you develop data management programs and select databases. Having a clear understanding of how you measure success and robust data to share with staff, board, funders, and stakeholders is critical to making your case for funding and support.

Outcomes Measurement

  • Ask the question, “At the end of the year how do we know we did a good job?”
  • Understand the difference between outputs and outcomes
  • Determine what measures and indicators you will rely upon
  • Ensure that you have the data systems to evaluate outcomes

Sample Process

Each project is approached in the way that will work best for your organization. Here is an example of how an ESC consultant might work with you to define and report outcomes.



  • Better understanding of your organization’s goals and key success factors
  • Useful data for your staff that will lead to program improvements
  • Readily available information on outcomes to provide to funders and stakeholders

Potential Deliverables

  • Identified outcomes for each of your programs
  • Measurable indicators for each outcome
  • Collection strategies for short, medium, and long-term outcome measures
  • Standardized key indicator report
  • Organization development and design
  • Performance management
    • Performance appraisal
    • Compensation and benefits management
  • Staffing and training
  • Leadership development
  • Managing transition and leadership succession
  • Enhancing diversity


Each project is approached in the way that will work best for your organization. Here is an example of how and HR consultant might work with you to improve your human resources systems and management.



  • A higher functioning organization better able to achieve its mission and goals
  • Appropriate and effective HR policies, processes and practices
  • A more nimble organization structure
  • Management and staff equipped with tools for guiding and evaluating performance