ESC facilitators neutrally guide participants to meet session objectives by providing a constructive thinking and learning environment while managing the meeting, the process and the tools.

Key Components of Facilitation

  1. Managing the Meeting to ensure goals are defined, an agenda is established and the right people are attending
  2. Managing the Process – to ensure the group interactions and participation are constructive
  3. Managing the Tools – to ensure that the technical aspects of the session contribute to meeting process, content and goals.

Sample Process

Each project is approached in the way that will work best for your organization. Here is an example of how your ESC facilitator would work with you to make sure you get the outcomes you want from your meeting.



  • Effective time management helps groups complete their work more efficiently
  • Facilitation improves the ways the group works together
  • A facilitator is a neutral person when there is a dispute
  • Facilitators use tools and approaches that maximize the engagement of participants